Are you tired of blending into the vanilla sea of sameness online?
Do you feel like everything you post on social media is falling on deaf ears?
Ready to break free from the chains of conformity and carve out your own untamed path?
Wallflowers, introverts, even those of you who are just screaming into the void, I’m looking at you.
🤍 Build a raving fanbase of followers
🤍 Become an unforgettable thought leader in your industry
🤍 Attract your dream clients and people who share your values, obsess over your quirks, and think you’re the dogs bollocks
🤍 Find showing up online effortless, fun and unashamedly YOU
🤍 Voice your thoughts, opinions and ideas without fear of criticism
🤍 Fall head over heels in love with sharing content online
◼️ You’re holding back from being yourself online in case you get ‘told off’
◼️ You constantly redraft and strip-back your content to make it as crowd-pleasing as possible
◼️ You fall into a dark pit of despair whenever you get negative feedback for speaking your mind
◼️ You desperately seek approval for your posts and talk shit to yourself if you don’t receive it
◼️ You’re terrified of showing up as your true, authentic, warts-and-all version of yourself in case you’re told you’re ‘unprofessional’ or ‘inappropriate’
◼️ You don’t think anyone would want to hear what you have to say to begin with, so don’t even bother putting yourself out there.
I am not what you would consider a ‘traditional’ entrepreneur. In all honesty, I’ve always been a bit Strange.
As a teenager I was the awkward, lanky kid that towered over everyone at 5’11, while music ranging from Slipknot to Abba to Kendrick Lamar blared from my headphones. To this day, I’m regularly asked if I own a single item of clothing that isn’t black.
If you walk into my flat you’ll see I have an impressive collection of Star Wars and Batman merchandise for a woman in her thirties. I could go on about all the things about me that make people say “really!?” for hours on end. But it is the quirks and weirdness that make me who I am, and that made me stand out against the crowd.
I know that now, but TRUST ME when I say it wasn’t always that way.
I spent most of my career hiding behind a generic, 'Linkedin appropriate' personality.
Logically, I knew that the people online who inspired me weren’t generic, playing safe or hiding away.
They were outspoken, individual, and unapologetic.
They shared their thoughts, experiences and opinions with unwavering confidence, and in their own authentic voice.
The problem was, I knew that IN THEORY. But the reality of sharing the real me with the world?
I held myself back because I was TERRIFIED that I’d be called out for being ‘too much’
I was too different, I would upset people, offend them, or get told off just for being me
I never upset anyone, but I didn't inspire anyone either.
Staying firmly in the middle of the road will keep you safe and guarded, but it will
also build a wall between you and your raving fanbase.
You're not in this to be a wallflower; you're here to make waves, create a legacy, and be the change you want to see in the world.
Now is YOUR time. Don’t let yourself be the best kept secret in your industry.
I’ve built a framework that will take you from watered-down and overlooked, to a force to be reckoned with. We’ll work through a 6-week programme, with one live coaching session per week PLUS an editable Workbook, pre-recorded training and an online channel to hash out any issues with your cohort.
Don’t think anyone will want to hear what you have to say? Bollocks. We’ll deep dive into your values, mission, and the shit you really care about. No more talking about what you do for a living, we’ll uncover how you’re changing the world.
Speak to everyone, speak to no one. We’ll work together to visualize who you really want in your circle. The people who will hang on your every word, drop your name in conversation, and share your content with their followers.
It's time to step up, stand out, and let the world know you're here to be heard. No more hiding, no more conforming to the ‘done’ way of showing up for your business. I’ll arm you with the tools to carve your own path, and feel unstoppable doing it.
I’m not just talking about feeling good in your skin; I’m talking about strutting down the street like you own it. Confidence is your birthright, and I’m going to help you reclaim it. I’ll give you the tools to brush off criticism like you’re swatting
Let's craft a blueprint for audacious action, together. We’ll work together to craft a plan for your content with templates, prompts and examples to kick-start your new chapter.
If there’s only one thing you take away from reading everything on this page, let it be this:
The world needs to hear YOUR voice.
Hiding away means missing the chance to inspire and delight so many others, and grow your business while doing it.
You see, I’m not here to help out those with the loudest voices. I’m a champion for the underdogs, the outliers and the unsung heroes.
I don't do cookie-cutter. This is about letting everyone meet the real, unapologetic version of YOU. Your quirks, your strengths, your passions—turned up to eleven.
I’m your very own seasoned renegade guide, and I’m battle-hardened in the world of unapologetic personal branding. I’ve been where you are, and I've come out on top.
Are you ready to be fucking seen?
If you're primed to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight, if you're ready to be noticed, heard, and remembered for all the right reasons, then let me be your guide.
Don't wait. Don't hesitate. Your visibility revolution starts now.
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